ClimateWorks Foundation needed a visual design language to uniquely market their “2050 Today: Accelerating Emerging Strategies” event. The event campaign design included a color story, climate infographic icons, web banners ads and speaker session presentation templates. The branded content was tasked to coincide this strategy meeting designed to provide input on 2050 Philanthropic Priorities for Climate Action.
The event’s climate related infographic icon categories included:
2050 Today examines what needs to happen today to decarbonize the global economy by mid-century and avoid the worst impacts of climate change.
ClimateWork’s thinking led them to launch 2050 Today, an initiative that takes a long term planning horizon and seeks to tackle harder to mobilize areas in climate mitigation. Their goal is to bring together a community of experts to develop and test out new strategies, and then to mobilize philanthropy to invest and scale them to the next level. They kicked off 2050 Today in 2018 with a convening of more than 100 experts from research, philanthropy, academia, industry, and public office.
The visual language for the Climate event is unique to their style-guide while still working along with their current brand’s aesthetic.